Who’s Welcoming Who?
It’s usually proper to welcome people to your home, office, party, or other event—your space. But that doesn’t feel like it’s the case with a blog. A blog is typically considered to be “my platform where I share my thoughts, expertise, and experiences.” A space where you, the reader, can get to know me and my brand better.
Well, that’s not what this blog is about. Sure, I’m going to be sharing from my perspective (it’s all we truly have), but my objective is twofold…
- Provide enriching, inspiring, thought/discussion provoking, and even life altering content to you, my fellow chiropractors, for the journey.
- I love to learn!! And, this will provide me an outlet to both assimilate & codify my thoughts and get feedback to validate or vitiate the discoveries.
…to, make us better people who are also better at the many things we do.
Primarily the focus will be in my personal—borderline—obsessions. But, with our very particular & peculiar bent of Chiropractic.
Top of the list is communication (my first bachelor’s is in speech communication). Chirocept actually began with the idea of how to get the Chiropractic concepts out to the masses in understandable and memorable ways. While the adult demographic was being thoroughly flooded, I chose to focus on the mostly overlooked and much younger demographic. Why? Because I (and I think you) believe in a world where children grow up knowing and utilizing the principles of Chiropractic and become adults who do. Generational Growth.
The Chiropractic story is amazing. We must be good PHENOMENAL storytellers.
As you most likely know, the word doctor is from the Latin, docco, which means “to teach.” It’s part of our role. It’s even part of being human. It’s a natural process to consume information, usefully assess & assimilate it, and share it with others. We do it all of the time with a show we just watched, an article we read, a tip we heard, or a social media post we just got indigestion from.
It’s not enough to just deliver the physical goods of Chiropractic (the adjustment, etc) and expect them to embrace the lifestyle. The more they know and understand what this is all about, the more they become entwined in the story themselves.
It is vital for us as doctors to continue to both consume nourishing information in our field, in other enriching areas of life, and in areas that develop us to be better at the craft of educating. Not reading journals, unless you love doing that, but being fascinated with topics in and around our chiro-world.
I’m fascinated with how we learn, what stimulates learning, what causes retention, etc. Side fascination in this area is “brain stuff.” Primarily, how we function as an integrated person via a clump of grey matter. There will be a generous showering of psychology info, data, studies, etc. to assist us in our role and just becoming a better human.
Just a half step away is telling our story to people who don’t know about us personally or Chiropractic yet. This one can truly be an obsession. I have no words to explain why. I love everything about understanding how we tick with regard to what causes us to take action or not, what creates a brand culture, what people really want and why they want it, what attracts or repels people, what makes people feel that they want to be a part of something outside of themselves enough that they sacrifice their days, deeds, dreams, and dollars to acquire it.
Of course this will include topics like utilizing social media, AI, how & what content to create, and a menagerie of topics in this category.
Like it or not, you’re an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is “a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.” Feels great. I know. You gotta be a little off to want to do what we do. We take on so much obligation, risks, frustrations, obstacles, failures (aka lessons), opposition and so much more. But, we also get the reward for all of it.
It’s really a double hit. Being an entrepreneur is like being one of those icebreaker ships that plows through 6 ft of ice continuously and can ram through 20 ft of ice! (Side Lesson: Sometimes you’ll have to put more energy into ramming through a difficult season.) Gratefully it’s not all ice. The second hit is that the majority of the world still doesn’t understand what we actually deliver and a good percentage of those think we’re quacks. That makes for peaceful sleep.
This is fun…right?
At 50 years on the planet and 18 years as a chiropractor (at the writing of this post), I can honestly answer, “yes” to that question. It’s all in how you frame it.
In brief: I believe, and I think you do too, that if I become a better human, I’ll be a better chiropractor, spouse/partner, parent, friend, entrepreneur, or whatever any situation calls upon me to be.
So, if this blog is for you and I can offer you content that is useful/helpful to you, I hope you will welcome me into your life to share what I have been and continue learning from my life.